A Call to Members...

Responsibilities of Committee Chairpersons


  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article VI, Section 2(a), approved Feb 2024: "The by-laws will be reviewed and updated every five years."
  • Further information for this job description:
    • The MCSNA ByLaws Committee is responsible for the review and adherence to the ByLaws which are reviewed every 5 years by a committee  They are then read and voted upon by the membership.
    • The ByLaws Committee must make sure the ByLaws are adhered to at all Executive and General Membership meetings.

Communicable Disease

  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article VI, Section 2(b), approved Feb 2024:  "The Communicable Disease chairperson will share pertinent information regarding disease trends, flu and immunization updates."


  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article VI, Section 2(c), approved Feb 2024:  "The CPR chairperson will coordinate CPR an annual training class for members."
  • Further information for this job description:
    • Liaison between local CPR Training sites and Morris County School Nurses.
    • Recommend local CPR Training sites.
    • Helpful to be a CPR instructor.
    • Answer emails from School Nurses regarding CPR questions.
    • Stay current w/ CPR information.
    • Stay current regarding Janet's Law.
    • Stay current on School MERT Drills.
  • Local CPR Training Site:
    • CPRofessionals Inc. 
      123 East Main Street
      Denville, NJ 07834
      (908) 208-5838


  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article VI, Section 2(d), approved Feb 2024:  "The Dental/ Vision chairperson is responsible for keeping members updated on low cost vision and dental resources in the county."

Education & Professional Development

  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article VI, Section 2(e), approved Feb 2024:  "The chairperson and committee shall be responsible for providing educational opportunities for the members and to keep members informed of new education materials, workshops and requirements for certification."


  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article VI, Section 2(f), approved Feb 2024:  "The Historian shall maintain past records and memorabilia of the organization."


  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article VI, Section 2(g), approved Feb 2024:  "Hospitality shall be responsible for coordinating refreshment at professional development programs."
  • Further information for this job description:
    • Hospitality provides the food & supplies for the three MCSNA programs in November, January, & February.
    • The Hospitality chairperson shall coordinate with program chairpersons &/or president how many members will be attending the scheduled program.
    • The hospitality chairperson calls to order the food that will be served during the program, such as small finger sandwiches, salads, fruit, cookies & water for attendees.
    • The hospitality chairperson shall supervise the hospitality budget, discuss with executive board & treasurer.
    • A hospitality committee member will purchase supplies, such as paper plate, napkins, silverware, table clothes, etc. as needed.
    • A hospitality committee member can develop a calendar of volunteers to set up and taken down the hospitality area for events.

Marketing & Publicity

  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article VI, Section 2(h), approved Feb 2024:  "The Marketing & Publicity committee shall promote the “brand” of the MCSNA through merchandise sales, public relations and distribution of promotional items as developed by the Association."
  • Further information for this job description:
    • Promote the organization if there are community events.
    • Provide the membership with a courtesy item at one of the dinners.


  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article VI, Section 2(i), approved Feb 2024:  "Shall be responsible for processing applications, compiling a membership list, an email distribution list and a membership directory with the corresponding secretary. The committee will maintain a current membership list via computer applications."
  • Further information for this job description:
    • Update Website Membership Portal (dues, dates, names, etc.); try to streamline it.
    • Open Portal for July 1st.
    • Send blast (secretary to do this) reminding membership of benefits.
    • Membership closes by October 1st so that directory can be completed in a timely fashion.  Anyone who joins any time later will not be in the directory.
    • Membership good through June 30th and is renewed each year.
    • Must be a current member to receive emails and receive free PD programs.
    • JotForm Info checked against last year's directory.  Directory updated to reflect changes (i.e. retirees, transfers, changes in numbers, etc.).
    • Completion of New Directory- This has been a paid job as it is very time consuming with computer skills (Excel) required.  In the past, paid $300.
    • Between July and the end of September, send membership blasts every few weeks.
    • Once Directory is completed, PDF is emailed to all members.
    • Members' emails are shared w/ secretary.
    • If feeling ambitious, compose a letter to said non-member nurses in county encouraging them to join.  Get emails and send to each school nurse.  (This was done 2 and 3 years ago and had a nice response).
    • If time permits, call people who seem to have forgotten to sign up.
    • Call recent retirees to remind them to sign up.
    • The membership chair troubleshoots difficulties with registration.  This individual is the point person if someone has questions about type of membership, explains that they cannot pay by check or voucher, often people call for various reasons.
    • Membership chair works with By-Laws if changes need to be made to membership types.
    • If By-Laws makes changes, membership has to be sure that they are reflected on explanation of types of membership on the JotForm.


  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article VI, Section 2(j), approved Feb 2024:  "The Legislation chairperson shall study the need for legislative action as it pertains to the Association, shall present appropriate proposals, and promote responses."


  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article VI, Section 2(k), approved Feb 2024:  "The Sunshine chairperson shall be responsible for expressing well wishes and support to members."
  • Further information for this job description:
    • The Chairperson of the Sunshine committee is in charge of purchasing small gifts of appreciation for active members of MCSNA.  We celebrate good and welfare, such as retirement or acknowledge life cycle events such as the death of a parent. 
    • The chairperson usually spends up to $100 -- always check w/ the treasurer and president before spending money, and try to evaluate all costs including shipping/handling & taxes. 
    • One year we had several members of our Executive board retire, and personalized jewelry boxes were ordered for them from "Things Remembered".    When our MCSNA Presidents finished their terms, personalized cheese boards were bought, which were over $100 from a store called "Frick & Frack" in Wayne.  Another year gift cards were purchased.  We try to match the gift with the person, and for some people, donating to a charity is more meaningful than purchasing a personalized item.  We have found when you order flowers, if you order in the neighborhood where the person lives, they may waive the delivery charges.
    • This is a good committee for someone who wants to maintain their connection with the executive board, but cannot always attend Executive board meetings.

State Representative

  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article VI, Section 2(l), approved Feb 2024:  "State representatives shall represent the Association at State School Nurse meetings and shall report back to the Executive Board."

Annual Dinner and Monthly Program Chairperson

  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article VI, Section 2(m), approved Feb 2024:  "Coordinating the Annual October and May Dinners and the monthly programs in consultation with the Vice President."
  • Further information for this job description:
    • Programs:  3x/year.  Free to members of MCSNA.  $15 paid at time of registration for nonmembers.
    • Dinners:  2x/year.  Price will be determined for members and nonmembers will be an increase of $10.  Payment is needed when you register.
    • Registration for both Programs and Dinners are found on the MCSNA website.
    • Registration closes 2 days prior to event to determine head counts.
    • Registration opens approximately 3 weeks prior to event.
    • Post event survey and certificate PD hours.  Take note of the password given out by the chairperson at the event.  That will be your access post-event to complete the survey and print out your certificate.  We ask that you do not share the password with non-attenders to the event.

...We need your help in any way you can to keep MCSNA a strong & active organization!  It takes members to volunteer so we can keep offering our programs, dinners & opportunities to network.  

We invite all members to attend an Executive Board meeting to see what is happening & help you decide in what capacity you can volunteer.  Additionally, every school year Executive Board positions open, as well as Committee chair positions.  To learn more about the role of being an Executive officer click here, and for Committee chairpersons here.  Please consider inquiring as to what will be opening in the upcoming year and see if it has any interest to you ~ contact MCSNA President Wendy Madonia at <madonialoveslucy@aol.com>.

...We hope you can join us!

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