A Call to Members...

Job Descriptions for Officers


  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article IV, Section 1, approved Feb 2024:  "The President shall be the official representative of the Association, shall preside at all meetings of the Association, the Executive board, and shall be ex-officio member of all committees necessary to further the work of the Association, subject to the approval of the Executive Board. The President may be informed of all checks and all contracts and may sign checks when necessary. The President shall be responsible to see that all requirements of each job description are fulfilled. The President's NJSSNA and NASN membership shall be paid by the MCSNA."
  • Further specifics for this job description:
    • Responsibilities are to oversee everyone else.
    • Your most immediate concerns are that you should, if you have not already, draft a letter to the membership introducing yourself and talking about your plans.  You can draft a new one once the school year is underway; and then a new one next school year.  These will be posted on the website. 
    • You also need to think about all of your dates for next year.  You can set your dates and then send them to your webmaster to post.  Keep in mind that you do not want to conflict with Jewish Holidays in September, Spring breaks in April, and the Big events the NJSSNA sponsors -- so check your calendar before setting any dates.  Furnish those dates to your programming chair.
    • As you have already done, create your meeting agenda for every month.  It is encouraged to ask for a report when people indicate that they are joining the meeting. 
    • If you will continue your in-person meetings, make sure that you call ahead to reserve space for the meeting.  La Cucina was very accommodating with this and you did not have to give much notice.  If someone will not be present for the meeting, you must make sure that someone else will be there to cover, especially the recording secretary and the treasurer who pays for the food.
    • When we have programs, especially dinners, make sure that the person running it is aware of all the small things including room requests, gifts to honor people, gift cards, and any important guests that are attending who should be highlighted.
    • You will run all meetings and programs, especially dinners. 
    • You are their go-to person when they do not know what to do.

Vice President

  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article IV, Section 2, approved Feb 2024:  "The Vice-President will serve as an advisor to the Chairperson for the October and May Annual Dinners and to the Chairperson for the monthly programs. The Vice-President shall assume other duties as delegated by the Executive Board."

Recording Secretary

  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article IV, Section 3, approved Feb 2024:  "The Recording Secretary shall record and file the minutes and reports of all meetings prior to the next Executive Board Meeting."
  • Further specifics for this job description:
    • Attend monthly executive board meetings.
    • Use President's agenda as guide.
    • Record meeting minutes.  Attach attendance.
    • Follow Robert's Rules format (the structure of the minutes on pages 144-150 which will be included in the folder passed along); and notes from Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (11th edition; www.jimslaughter.com).
    • Send a draft of the minutes to the executive board for review approximately one week prior to the meeting.  Request any edits with a deadline.  Once the deadlines has passed, make any corrections if needed.
    • Send the final draft to the Corresponding Secretary to add with the new meeting agenda, budget, and whatever else will be sent prior to the upcoming meeting.  This allows executive board members to print their own minutes; saves time in reading and reviewing minutes at the meeting; and allows for quick approval of minutes.
    • Once approved, staple minutes with attendance sheets.  Keep all hard-copy minutes in the binder for the two years that you are Recording Secretary and pass along to the next person.

Corresponding Secretary

  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article IV, Section 4, approved Feb 2024:  "The Corresponding Secretary shall attend to all correspondence of the Association including all official communications for the Association and Executive Board and shall send out notices of all meetings."


  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article IV, Section 5, approved Feb 2024:  "The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds for the Association and render an annual budget."
  • Further specifics for this job description:
    • Responsible for collecting all funds due and for keeping the records of membership and program fees.
    • Assists the board in preparing an annual budget before the start of the fiscal year.
    • Coordinates the collection and disbursement of money.
    • Receives and promptly deposits all funds paid.
    • Disburses funds as directed by the board.
    • Maintains the MCSNA's financial accounts and records.
    • Reconciles checking accounts on a monthly basis.
    • Provides a monthly financial report to the board.
    • Compiles an annual financial summary of income and expenditure for the annual meeting.
    • Responsible for the: checking account; PayPal account; debit card; and the ZOOM account.


  • Per MCSNA By-laws, Article IV, Section 6, approved Feb 2024:  "The Parliamentarian shall act as a consultant in regard to advising the President and other officers, committees and members on parliamentary procedures according to the rules contained in the current edition of "Roberts Rules of Order." The Parliamentarian should also be a regular member of the Association and will serve at all meetings of the Executive Board and general meetings."
  • Further specifics for this job description:
    • A parliamentarian, or parliamentary procedure consultant, assists in interpreting and applying the "Rules of Order" for meetings. 
    • A parliamentarian's main function is to give advice on parliamentary procedure to the president, officers, committees, and members of a group or organization.
  • Robert's Rules of Order:
    • Smaller boards can be less rigid with procedure.  However, the President is the presiding officer and should direct the meeting agenda.  All members should focus on following the agenda and transgress from the order.
    • Follow the agenda and consider a "comment" time after each officer/committee report, otherwise have a "discussion" session at one point in the agenda.
    • The agenda should be received by the officers and committee chairs three days prior to the meeting so items can be corrected, changed, or added. Everyone should print or bring the agenda and past minutes to the meeting.
    • 2/3 majority is needed for a vote to achieve a quorum.
    • Three important motions:
      1. Main- "I move..."
      2. Amendment to add to or subtract from the main motion.
      3. Amend the amendment- Make a small change to the amendment.
    • Meeting progression:
      1. Opening: A quorum (2/3) must be present to hold a meeting.
      2. Approve the minutes from the previous meeting.
      3. Officer reports and committee reports.
      4. Unfinished business- any tabled motions from the previous meeting (Secretary must add to the agenda).
      5. New business.
      6. Closing/adjourn meeting.

...We need your help in any way you can to keep MCSNA a strong & active organization!  It takes members to volunteer so we can keep offering our programs, dinners & opportunities to network.  

We invite all members to attend an Executive Board meeting to see what is happening & help you decide in what capacity you can volunteer.  Additionally, every school year Executive Board positions open, as well as Committee chair positions.  To learn more about the role of being an Executive officer click here, and for Committee chairpersons here.  Please consider inquiring as to what will be opening in the upcoming year and see if it has any interest to you ~ contact MCSNA President Wendy Madonia at <madonialoveslucy@aol.com>.

...We hope you can join us!

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