Membership in the Association shall be in the following categories:

Section 1. Regular

  • All members in this classification shall possess a current license to practice as a Registered Nurse in the State of New Jersey and a current New Jersey School Nurse Certificate.
  • They must be currently employed in Morris County as a school nurse or a school nurse supervisor, or have their primary assignment, the administration, education or the provision of school health services.
  • Annual dues shall be specified by the Executive board and voted upon by the regular membership.

Section 2. Associate

  • Associate members shall enjoy the privileges of the Association, may serve on committees, but shall not vote or hold office. Any registered professional nurse who is not eligible for Regular Membership shall be eligible for Associate Membership. This may include public health nurses, professors of nursing, and students, and retired nurses. 
  • Annual dues shall be less than the amount specified for Regular members.

Section 3. Retired

  • Members upon retirement shall be eligible for Retired membership. Retired members may serve on committees in an advisory capacity.  Retired members shall enjoy the privileges of the Association but shall not vote or hold office.
  • No dues shall be required.

Membership Welcome & Information

Welcome back MCSNA Colleagues!


As we are about to go into another school year, we look at 2024-2025 as a new and exciting time ahead to have a positive impact on many young lives. Our career is one that others look at in awe. We have a skill that no other profession has. You should be proud of your dedication to such a caring and compassionate job that makes a difference to so many.

Morris County School Nurses Association (MCSNA) is geared up for another year to bring the latest research to our dedicated nurses. Our association’s website <> is a great source of relevant information. Make yourselves comfortable with this link. You will find so much knowledge at your fingertips. 

MCSNA works continuously to provide our members with innovative professional development, as well as opportunities to gather and share memories with our devoted colleagues:

  • We will start the year off with our Fall membership dinner, which is scheduled for Thursday, October 17, 2024 and will feature a presentation by the Office of School Preparedness and Emergency Planning.
  • MCSNA also makes possible for its members three programs throughout the school year. Each program is thoroughly investigated to bring the most important, sought-after subject matters when it comes to school nursing. This year’s talking points will include bone health, updated concussion research, and pertinent information regarding the Meningococcal disease. We welcome you to share with us any ideas/topics that you feel we should look into and develop a workshop for.
  • Lastly, our school year always ends with a celebration dinner in May where we recognize our county’s retirees and invite a keynote speaker to enlighten us.

Information will be added to the "Event Hub" page on our website as the dates of all the above events get closer. Be sure to follow instructions with regards to opening/closing dates with registrations, etc.

Did you ever want to be a part of something that makes a huge difference in our career and will help others become better at what they do? How about stepping up to be part of the MCSNA executive board or a committee chairperson. You would never be alone. The current positions are held by many knowledgeable, caring and ambitious people (no doubt since they are nurses). Reach out to me or a committee person you might feel inspired to work with on their committee of choice.

Where will you find the latest information on programs/dinners, recalls, job opportunities, resources, committee details, and contact information for our board members and chair people? Our association website provides you with all of this. Looking for a blast from the past or trip down memory lane? Our historian link provides that to you on our website. Visit the website <>. I promise, you will not be disappointed.

Please join MCSNA. Our website gives you the link to do just that. There are many benefits to being a member, from updated information related to our nursing field, attendance at our programs for FREE, and a membership directory which is generated once enrollment closes – just to name a few. Being part of the association keeps you connected. Don’t wait to join, membership is open now!!

As school nurses, summers are necessary to recharge. Once we return to our offices, we are the medical energizer bunnies that do not stop. Take the needed time now to relax; enjoy family and friends; travel or participate in stay-cationing. We at MCSNA are here for you when you return. You are never alone – and we encourage to reach out whenever you feel it is necessary.

All the best to you as you walk through the school doors this year. Go out and make a difference in the lives you are entrusted with.


In Health,

Wendy Madonia



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